Lucid Dreams

Royal Botanical Garden (1)

The cherry blossom season, though enchanting, is transient, for these delicate flowers are exceptionally responsive to climatic conditions. Striking a delicate balance, they yearn for temperatures that are neither excessively cold nor overly warm, and rainfall that is moderate. Irony befell this spring season, as it embraced all facets of weather. Since my relocation to… Continue reading Royal Botanical Garden (1)

Lucid Dreams

NEO: The World Ends with You [Demo]

The World Ends With You (TWEWY) has a special meaning in my life. A couple of years ago, when assigned to revive a dying team, I used the game title as a motto to boost up the team’s spirit. Though the way I interpreted its meaning was not directly associated with the game’s concept, it… Continue reading NEO: The World Ends with You [Demo]

Book Review

The Self-Discipline Blueprint: A Simple Guide to Beat Procrastination, Achieve Your Goals, and Get the Life You Want

The Self-Discipline Blueprint by Patrik Edblad is a perfect book for people like me, who uses “I don’t have the inspiration to work today!” as an excuse to procrastinate working progresses.  In a nutshell, the book is a collection of good tips to overcome procrastination. Nothing groundbreaking information, but the author’s neat organization makes the… Continue reading The Self-Discipline Blueprint: A Simple Guide to Beat Procrastination, Achieve Your Goals, and Get the Life You Want

Fantasy Novels

[Review] World of Warcraft: Shadows Rising

World of Warcraft: Shadows Rising brought me back to the Warcraft universe I always love. World of Warcraft: Shadows Rising is the prequel lore before events in the latest expansion Shadowland. It revolved around the civil conflicts in Zandalar between the new Queen—Tanlaji and her childhood best friend Apari under the umbrella of Sylvanas Windrunner’s… Continue reading [Review] World of Warcraft: Shadows Rising

Lucid Dreams

A Serene Afternoon along Brandford Rail Trail

I took Brandford Rail Trail (Hamilton, ON, Canada) almost every time I need to make a shopping trip to the nearest dollar store since last winter. As wither trees and crisp trunks of the scenery had become a familiar image, so when the lush scenery invaded my vision, I felt like being transported in a… Continue reading A Serene Afternoon along Brandford Rail Trail

Fantasy Novels

Vol’jin: Shadows of the Horde [Review ]

Vol’jin: Shadows of the Horde was released in 2013 as a pre-story for patch 5.1.0, which which in Mists of Pandaria expansion. . The book is written by Micheal A. Stackpole—"an award-winning novelist, game designer, computer game designer, podcaster, screenwriter, and graphic novelist. He’s had more than forty-five novels published, the best known of those being… Continue reading Vol’jin: Shadows of the Horde [Review ]

Fantasy Novels

Assassin’s Creed Movie Novelization Adaption

Still on the quest to conquer all of the old books that were bought two years ago, I finally “almost” finished the Assassin’ Creed Novelization Adaption written by Christie Golden. The only reason that made me spent money on the book of the uncharted lore is the author name. I became Christie’s fan since her… Continue reading Assassin’s Creed Movie Novelization Adaption

Book Review · Creative Books

How to Communicate with Confidence [Review]

I always admire my mom. To her, “the more, the merrier”; to me, “the more, the scarier”. Unlike me, who always find small-talks are boring and super awkward, my mom can easily make friend and initiate conversations with anyone. Many times to my utter surprise, people did not mind to pour out their family problems… Continue reading How to Communicate with Confidence [Review]

Lucid Dreams

A guide to stay focus on reading for who keeps distracting!

I finished 3 books in 18 days by applying these tricks! The scenario would be: pick up my book —> after 3 minutes —> pick up my phone —> surf the web or watch videos for hours —> too late to resume my reading session. Does it sound familiar to you? If the phone is… Continue reading A guide to stay focus on reading for who keeps distracting!