Book Review

The Self-Discipline Blueprint: A Simple Guide to Beat Procrastination, Achieve Your Goals, and Get the Life You Want

The Self-Discipline Blueprint by Patrik Edblad is a perfect book for people like me, who uses “I don’t have the inspiration to work today!” as an excuse to procrastinate working progresses. 

In a nutshell, the book is a collection of good tips to overcome procrastination. Nothing groundbreaking information, but the author’s neat organization makes the book easy to digest and follow.

The book’s first part focuses on building up Fundamental Habits, including regulating sleep quality, nutrition, physical movement, and spiritual practice (meditation). The second part provides 11 easy-to-follow strategies, from psychological to environmental tactics. Edblad leads readers from learning to believe in their ability, acknowledging strengths, finding purposes, measuring progress, picking good rewards, controlling the environment, and saving time as well as energy. At the beginning of each strategy, Edblad cites psychological research to explain why it works. 

The idea that makes the most impact on my procrastination is the concept of “Show up and Work”. Edblad suggests his readers adopt the attitude of “going to work” to harness self-discipline: like it to not, just show up and work. This mental shift is very effective for people who has a sense of high responsibility but are sometimes low in motivation to be productive. 

The Self-Discipline Blueprint: A Simple Guide to Beat Procrastination, Achieve Your Goals, and Get the Life You Want by Patrik Edblad is a helpful book for anyone who yearns to be more productive, like me!

Highly recommended!

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